Most people are aware of only physical slavery which majorly ended many years ago. However, aspect of mental slavery have continued to subsist amongst men and women, young and old, literate and illiterate, rich and poor people. One gets into mental captivity when he or she gets misinformed about self and real world. He or she becomes unable to differentiate how things are and how things should be. Most of the times the victim lives in fantasy world. This form of self slavery is more sinister than even physical slavery because the captives never realize their situation.

Mental slavery is another form of emotional thinking rather than rational thinking. Here, one is guided by his emotions but not his mind. A lady who decides to be a single mother because good men no longer exist falls under this category. She is enslaved by misconceptions that all men are unfaithful, arrogant and violent. Maybe due to past experiences and the environment, she commits the fallacy that all men are similar.

Most people believe that contemporary vices in our societies such as corruption and negative ethnicity will never end. It’s true that they can’t end because they believe so. An issue like corruption requires individual responsibility and therefore if one person fails then the war is lost. This shows how our people suffer mental slavery. They hold the belief that the vices cannot stop and hence influencing them to stop may not bear any fruit.

White angel, black Satan theory is another indication of slavery in Africa for a long time. We watch English football, dress German suits, Italian shoes, spray French colognes and rear German Shepherds. During our cultural week we speak English then feel civilized. We feel nearer to God if we worship the white man’s way than the African way, bleach our skins to look whitish.

Faith and hope are the basics of human life but one needs to have faith and hope in reality. Take an example church affiliate who sells all his chattels to give tithe. He is always in the forefront to give any contribution as directed by the church preacher without asking for accountability. As the pastor gets richer, the faithful gets poorer but there is no one time will you convince him that he is being conned. He will call you a non believer. With him, he has got a mind that all pastors are genuine and cannot practice such a vice. They are ready to break a fight to protect the reputation of a conman.

Most Africans have also been enslaved by the falsehood of the power of witchcraft. In most societies, people believe there is no success without witchcraft, diseases are caused by enemies and sorcery is the elucidation to any problem in the society. Such societies never develop because of this form of captivity.

Nobody can liberate another from mental slavery. It’s upon the captive to emancipate himself from the position. Freedom of the mind is the foundation of development.


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