EAST AFRICAN COMMUNITY ; A MANQUÉ COOPERATION Regional cooperation is vital for any country’s social, economic and political development. It accelerates economic progress and cultural development and provides all the individuals with the opportunity to live in dignity and to realize their full potential. Having an inter territorial cooperation between Kenya, Uganda and Tanganyika protectorates was always a dream of the British as early as 1917. It kicked off by formation of the East African High Commission (EAHC) which later evolved into East African Common Services Organization (EACSO). The organization was concerned with the provision of common services such as customs union, currency, postal services, communication, research and Education. In 1967 after the attainment of independence of Kenya, Uganda and Tanzania, the East African community was formed to continue with the roles of EACSO. At this time, an East African Federation was also anticipated. The main aim of the EAC ...